Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I visited this church in early April 2011. This church is really unique. The structure is made mainly from wood and looks like a traditional house. Unfortunately, I took the exterior photo at dusk and it did not turn out well.

The interior is equally unique. Most sit on the floor with a mat but they have some chairs for those who are not able to do so or uncomfortable sitting on the floor (mostly foreigners).

Most of the mass is also conducted sitting down as with the priest on a low table. This is very similar to Buddhist style praying. On the left of the altar, you will see a small house which is actually the tabernacle.

For the English sunset mass, there seem quite a lot of young Caucasians who are active in the choir. They look like volunteers here. There are also a number of foreigners (Causasians and Asians) who are either working or doing business here. There were also a number of tourists.

This is a mission church and the priest is a Jesuit from Indonesia and there are also a number of nuns, the largest numbers being Sisters of Missionaries of Charity. I could not identify the other nuns. They are doing a fantastic job and the church feels alive. God Bless them.

The church also looks after a floating church on Tonle Sap with 7 families there (I heard from their announcement). I managed to take pictures of the floating church when I went to Tonle Sap.

If you wish to know more about this church, please visit their website at www.siemreapcatholic.org.

Until the next time, cheers..........

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